Portable | Matt Gemmel

This is a post about something I believe in, something my friend Patrick Rhone (from the famed Minimal Mac) has been pushing for many years now. This is a post about simplicity of tools, having the right tools and being light and fast.

Matt Gemmell explains why his simple setup (a MacBook 11" and an iPhone 5s) is the best setup he's ever had.

I’ve never owned anything that made me feel more productive.

With these two machines, I’ve managed to find the one-socket office. Any power socket, anywhere, is all I need. That’s a liberating truth.

Focusing on these devices alone has been transformative for me, and their elegant portability has erased so much of the tension from my working environment. I feel light, and movable, and untethered. My burdens are fewer. My mind is clearer.


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